I am unavailable for review

Dear editorial team,

Thanks for considering me for review. After some thought-meandering I came to the conclusion that traditional publishers - such as the present publisher of this journal - support a business model that I deem unfair and inappropriate for regular science and for the interests of science and scientists alike. That is, the fees are much too high thereby sucking resources out of the science system and out of society which could be used for the better otherwise.

For that reason I will be more likely to conduct unpaid reviews for non- or low-profit organizations but in general less or not for high-margin publishers. Also, I cannot understand why publishers earn heaps of money whereas we are scientists - reviewers, authors, editors alike - are left with empty pockets. Please note that I am in pricinciple prepared to conduct paid reviews.

Please not take my reluctance personally; it is for the improvement of our field that I take this decision.

Regards Sebastian